
Pick to Light

About Smart Pick to Light
About Smart Pick to Light
About Smart Pick to Light
Our pick to light solution in logistics serves as an elegant solution to navigate a worker in a warehouse. Individual storage positions are equiped with LED lights which navigate a worker according to logistic processes dictated by superior management systems - ERP, WMS, MES.
P2L Flat Storage
P2L Flat Storage
P2L Flat Storage

Flat Storage refers to the so-called monorail storage on the ground. We offer the solution in several hardware and software configurations.

P2L racks
P2L racks
P2L racks
We install Pick to Light navigation on our standardized products such as racks.
P2L trolleys
P2L trolleys
P2L trolleys
We equip our standard trolley solutions with Pick to Light navigation for advanced functionality such as position linking.
P2L work station
P2L work station
P2L work station
We equip our Pick to Light navigation even on our work stations.
Smart modular tube system
Smart modular tube system
Smart modular tube system
Modular tube system compatible with other pipe systems, such as Lean Technology, Beewatec,…