
Basic terminology

Basic terminology
What to imagine under the expression that SLM products consist of SLM hardware and SLM software? Why is storage position a key factor to effective storing processes? Find the explanation in this section.

Contents: Basic terminology

  1. SLM product
  2. storage position
    1. Creating storage position in an SLM product(Adding SLM hardware to Smart SLM)
  3. Storage position
    1. Creating stored item in SLM product

1. SLM product​

  • SLM products serve as a tool to help you systematicaly store items and efficiently guide the user to their location.
  • SLM products consist of SLM hardware, such as organizers, workshop cabinets, racks & Smart SLM software
  • SLM products represent standardized solution to Smart warehousing (inteligent, systematic stock management)

2. Storage position

  • As the word storing hints, the key factor to storing your merchendise is creating a system of some sort.
  • Each and every system has certain needs for it to work properly
  • The baseline need of smart warehousing is creating a storage position which is an integral part of smart warehousing.
The addition of SLM hardware to Smart SLM

3. Stored item

  • Can be pretty much any item for which you have the need to store - part, merchendise, assembly,
  • Every stored item has its own properties and parameters such as: name, ID, dimensions, weight, count, etc.
  • This information needs to be created and or imported into Smart SLM software