
WMS for vertical storage systems

WMS for vertical storage systems
16. 04. 2024

Do you know how you can build a warehouse with a capacity of up to 18,000 positions on 90 m2? Thanks to vertical automatic warehouses, our customer saved 90% of the warehouse space. The entire warehousing process is managed by our unique WMS solution, which can be integrated into your existing system.

Watch a demonstration of the entire solution in the video:


Do you already have an automated vertical warehouse in your company but are not satisfied with its efficiency? Do you need to speed up the picking of items?

By combining our WMS, Pick to Light system and connected technologies (vertical warehouses, sensors for material ordering - e-KANBAN, handling robots, RTLS and more) you can!

If you already have a WMS that has no bugs, we will provide you with integration communication to our technologies that will get you connected before you can say INTRALOGISTICS.

Are you interested in our solution? Do not hesitate to contact us!