
About smart warehousing

SLM (Storage Location Manager) products represent an innovative and effective connection between storage hardware (such as workshop cabinets, racks, organisers, trolleys, etc.) and Smart SLM. The software side offers new posibilities of storage management. The core functions are: store items (defining a storage position for stored items), navigation to a stored item (navigating the user to the location of a chosen stored item)

Extensive functions are: minimal stored item quantity tracking (notifies when the product count reaches a critical value - defined by an administrator), stock-taking (stored items evidence), pick / put list (picking / putting multiple stored items for one order), route optimization (route optimization for the shortest travel distance for individual orders), data import, reports

Smart SLM application can be downloaded from the Google play or accessed in any web browser.

The main perks of using SLM are: error rate minimization, increase in efficiency and reduce warehousing costs.
General information
General information
General information
In this section, we will introduce you to the idea of Smart warehousing, in other words, SLM products. If this is your first acquaintance with smart warehousing, we recommend you visit this section first.
Basic terminology
Basic terminology
Basic terminology
What to imagine under the expression that SLM products consist of SLM hardware and SLM software? Why is storage position a key factor to effective storing processes? Find the explanation in this section.
SLM product features
SLM product features
SLM product features
The description of individual functions of our Smart SLM application.